Saturday, July 26, 2008

No PAL takeover at Frank H. Ball Park

On Saturday, July 19, 2008, Hester Ricks and other West Fresno residents looked on as they listened to Assistant City Manager Bruce Rudd and Parks & Rec. Director Randy Cooper who apologized on behalf of the City and assured listeners that Frank H Ball Park & Center would retain its services. The audience applauded as Rudd mentioned that Fresno Police Activities League (PAL) would operate in southwest Fresno but not at the Center.

Bruce Rudd compared the park's value in West Fresno to the Yankees playing in the Bronx. "Frank H Ball is like Yankee Stadium to the community", said Rudd demonstrated by the community's response to originally proposed changes.

Neighbors expressed their concerns about the maintenance of facility, new technology, and the need for staffing support. Within the hour plus of comments and suggestions, many expressed their frustrution that the City "...decides what's best for us" without consulting with the community.

"All the monies in West Fresno has been allocated to other part of Fresno. Oh course there's no money because you've built up other parts of the city and when you come here money runs out," stated Hester Ricks, a resident of the Golden West Side for over 50 years to many applauds. "We want what's due to us given to us." Hear Hester Ricks comments

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